Rapid Health Check


Get expert advice on your data maturity with a rapid assessment with our experts​

You want to get a quick external perspective from data experts who bring with them global insights and industry best practices.

During a short, 2-3 week engagement, our experts review the documentation you have on your data ecosystem, talk to your team remotely (Zoom / Teams interviews), and craft a Light-Touch Data & Analytics Health Check Report and an Executive Presentation.

You get a good idea of your data wellness, with a heatmap showing how your data ecosystem is (or is not) enabling your strategic priorities and business outcomes.

You also get high level recommendations that you can start exploring right away.

Arrange scoping call

Get in touch to arrange a free scoping discussion with Onepoint’s data experts

There’s no obligation to engage us after the call. The insights and tips from our experts are yours to use.
Onepoint as a Data Controller will process your personal data in line with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). For further details, please see our privacy notice.

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