Explore your business and technology challenges — and opportunities — with our senior advisors and technologists during a half-day structured workshop held at our offices, or virtually.
There’s no obligation to continue the journey with us.
A fresh, independent perspective on innovative options, approaches and recommendations are yours to keep!
Explore your data challenges — and opportunities — with our senior advisors and technologists during a half-day structured workshop held at our offices in London, or virtually.
These workshops are a simplification of our Design Thinking (and Doing!) approach, part of our Rapid Value Method that is designed to drive towards your chosen business outcomes quickly.
With a multi-disciplinary team from your organisation, we uncover your data challenges and opportunities, explore ideas and priorities, and outline how to prove a chosen concept quickly. If it makes sense as a next step, a rapid prototype (PoC) can potentially be co-funded by Onepoint.
There’s no obligation to continue the journey with us after the workshop. A fresh, independent perspective on innovative options, approaches, and recommendations are yours to keep!
Outcomes & outputs
The key outcomes are to develop a better understanding of your data challenges and opportunities and to establish a shortlist of prioritised ideas. You will also understand where Onepoint can add value to quickly get you to your desired business outcomes.
Outputs of the workshop will be a number of big ideas or use cases; a prioritised shortlist with potential solution options, and an outline action plan to test real business value.
Typical agenda
09:30 Introduction & briefing (includes ice breaker and basics of Design Thinking)
10:30 Understanding & building empathy with the user
11:30 Define problem area(s), generate ideas, priorities, and solution options
13:00 Vegetarian buffet lunch (for visitors in our London office)
Typical attendees
These workshops work best with multi-disciplinary participants. Our clients typically involve representation from many corners of the business, including strategy, customer care, marketing, sales, operations, IT, data, and finance.
From our side, we typically involve business, data, and technology experts. We will also involve any relevant advisors or technologists relevant to your topic. We can discuss attendees and customise the workshop to your requirements during a preparatory call.
Explore how your organisation could innovate with artificial intelligence, machine learning, and more with our senior advisors and technologists during a half-day structured workshop held at our offices in London, or virtually.
These workshops are a simplification of our Design Thinking (and Doing!) approach, part of our Rapid Value Method that is designed to drive towards your chosen business outcomes quickly.
With a multi-disciplinary team from your organisation, we uncover your innovation opportunities, explore ideas and priorities, and outline how to prove a chosen concept quickly. If it makes sense as a next step, a rapid prototype (PoC) can potentially be co-funded by Onepoint.
There’s no obligation to continue the journey with us after the workshop. A fresh, independent perspective on innovative options, approaches, and recommendations are yours to keep!
Outcomes & outputs
The key outcomes are to develop a better understanding of your AI opportunities and to establish a shortlist of prioritised ideas. You will also understand where Onepoint can add value to quickly get you to your desired business outcomes.
Outputs of the workshop will be a number of big ideas or use cases; a prioritised shortlist with potential solution options, and an outline action plan to test real business value.
Typical agenda
09:30 Introduction & briefing (includes ice breaker and basics of Design Thinking)
10:30 Understanding & building empathy with the user
11:30 Define problem area(s), generate ideas, priorities, and solution options
13:00 Vegetarian buffet lunch (for visitors in our London office)
Typical attendees
These workshops work best with multi-disciplinary participants. Our clients typically involve representation from many corners of the business, including strategy, customer care, marketing, sales, operations, IT, data, and finance.
From our side, we typically involve business, data science, and technology experts. We will also involve any relevant advisors or technologists relevant to your topic. We can discuss attendees and customise the workshop to your requirements during a preparatory call.